************ Open Content ************ What is Open Content ==================== For as long as humanity has existed, we have shared cultural works: art, songs, stories, and so on. These works historically existed in the commons – a collection of materials shared amongst the public and members of the community. Today, however, access to these materials is often restricted by copyright law or by physical barriers Ways to get involved ==================== .. sidebar:: Resources - `Wikipedia `__ - `Creative Commons `__ - `Open Content Licenses `__ - `Open Content Search `__ Two of the biggest proponents of Open content are the Wikipedia and Creative Commons orginiations. To get involved in the Open Content movement you can either improve existing works or publish new works. Improving open content usually takes the form of written works. Wikipedia is the largest collection of written Open Content and allows anyone to improve it. If you would like to contribute to a particular page that you have knowledge about Wikipedia has a `tutorial `__ on how to get started. If you are not much of a writer, other creative works can also be considered Open Content. These can be music, art, photographs, ect... Most media publishing websites have an option to choose a license for the media. By choosing an `Open Content License `__ you can let others use your work for their own use, withen bounds of the particular license, which may for example require them to accredit you for the work.